Saturday, May 21, 2011

So i no i haven't written in a little while but the news i have is going to make up for it! I've also been looking for some inspiration to write. Lately my life has been in the gutter dealing with my ex boyfriend and his drama, But i have finally found my inspiration and i am so excited to tell you all about her. Yes that's right i said her! On Thursday, May 19th i found out i was pregnant with my very own baby girl!!!!!!!!!!! She is perfect in every way, it's unbelievable. On the ultrasound she had all her organs growing properly and all her bones are healthy and getting stronger. She's stubborn like her mommy though haha. She kept kicking the ultrasound wand off of my belly and she had her legs crossed the whole time. I was going to pee my pants... Literally ha you have no idea how full my bladder was. I swear i peed a river afterwards. Anyways getting back to the point, I ended up getting so frustrated and basically told the doctor i waited so long for this, I was not leaving until i new what i was having .

The last time i had an ultrasound she was the size of a jellybean...and now she was the whole width of my belly. I had no idea how special a moment like that could be, since this is my first child (and hopefully last haha). It was crazy to see how much she grew. I really wanted to stay there and look at her forever. But since they would have kicked me out eventually, I settled for feeling her kick me all the time, which i have to say is the most amazing feeling in the world! I am naming her Peyton Athena (First name, Middle name) and she is going to be the most beautiful baby on this planet! I can't wait to hold her in my arms. It's funny the whole time i was waiting for the ultrasound now i just want her out so i can cuddle her. My godmother bought her a swing already and a little bouncy chair and my sister in law game me 250 diapers yay! Can't wait to change those ha! Anyways it's getting late now and i am so tierd. I will try to find inspiration more often, should be easy since i have her. Goodnight all