Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Good Morning:) I have a special surprise for you today. You know sometimes people just need to start fresh in there lives and I've been slowly doing that these past couple of months. The first choice i made that changed my life was to keep my baby. The second was to get out of a bad relationship. The third was to move away from my hometown and start a new life and fourth i now have cut my bangs!!!! And although your probably saying "I cut my hair all the time, what's the big deal?" The big deal is that i haven't changed my hair style in 6 YEARS!

I was so afraid to move on from the life i had made for myself, i couldn't even cut my hair...I no it's sad but i think the reason i hate change so much is because when you have something in your life so consistent that it's almost like a security blanket, and when that's taken away you feel like you've lost a piece of something so familiar....well that's how i feel anyways. So today has been very scary but very refreshing at the same time. Doing you hair and makeup the same way for 6 years is a long time and when you finally decide to change it feels like a huge weight has been lifted off.

When i cut the first piece i wanted to cry, i was almost hyperventilating hahah, but afterwards i looked at myself and i felt prettier and fresh and more confident, like i could save the world haha. Then your so afraid to show that your different to the people around you. Then when you hear the compliments your ego skyrockets haha. So i guess what this entry is for is to show you my new hair...but also to tell you not to be afraid to change for the good, you'll be surprised at the reactions you get. Just make sure if you don't know how to cut your go to a professional hahah. I dare you to make a change:D